23 September 2009

Web 2.0

I'm looking forward to finding out more about Web 2.0. I don't really care about the technical differences between HTML and XML; I can cope with HTML and keep my Monash web page updated using that rather clumsy technology. but there are applications that make it easier to edit HTML, there's even one in Blackboard!

Most importantly, though, I have a horror of getting too involved in the mechanism of how this thing works. I don't actually want to know how it works, I just want to work it to my advantage and that of my colleagues and students. Until last week I would use the metaphor of a racing driver, who is very good at driving cars fast but is not a mechanic. But then the Piquet/Renault scandal broke so I'm not sure I want to relate myself to htem. And besides, Formula 1 racing is a stupid thing to be supporting, given the climate emergency.

Well, so much for my first post. Will anyone read it?


  1. Make it creative and meaningful (I think I will just use Colin). I have read your blog and have become the some of us mentioned by Zac. I agree I don't care how it works just that it works and is user friendly. Colin I have managed to become a follower so mat least that has been achieved.

  2. Uh oh, who let the dogs out (Zac)?

    I agree - we shouldn't have to worry too much about the technical aspects of all of this... instead we should focus on the ability to increase the opportunities for communication amongst us and our students. Interesting to see one of them has found his way to this blog (but not surprising!).
